Is dieting and hours of cardio the very best way to lose weight? The answer is NO. Concurrent Training is! A lot of professional trainers now agree that it probably has something to do with HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training. This type pf training is a format that challenges you to divide your time spent in the gym between high intensity bursts of sprinting or otherwise exerting yourself at 100% MHR and periods of active recovery at around 70%.


A key for most people is to do something that makes this HIIT method even more impressive.  Did you know that there is a way to get greater results from this very effective training tool?

The answer is to use concurrent training…


Workout Intensity


What is Concurrent Training?


When you combine cardio training with resistance training into one exercise you have created Concurrent Training. Sometimes this is referred to as  ‘resistance cardio’. The idea is then that you are going to perform some kind of rapid movement but while doing it, you will be pushing or pulling against some kind of weight or resistance.


The most obvious form of concurrent training is the stationary bike.  The key is to increase the resistance on the wheel which causes you to use more strength to sustain a specific speed. You would have to use more muscle strength to turn the pedals.

Other examples of concurrent training include certain forms of calisthenics – like clapping push ups or push ups – as well as boxing, swimming, rowing on a heavy setting or the kettlebell swing. The kettlebell swing is of particular interest here because it allows you to lift quiet a heavy weight in a manner that is conducive to long sequences of exertion.


Why it Matters


So why is concurrent training so important? What’s exciting about it?


There are several factors that make concurrent training such a great tool. When you combine cardio training with resistance training in one routine the exercise becomes significally more challenging.  The harder it is to move you limbs due to more resistance the more fast twitch muscle fibers will be activated. This requires more energy and so you’ll burn more calories than performing the same movements without the resistance.


The last thing you want to do is to create muscle breakdown.  You do not need to worry about that with concurrent training. HIIT does this to an extent already but when you include resistance work, you effectively send a strong signal to the body that you need the muscle and it’s not just deadweight slowing you down.


In biological terms, you will be breaking down muscles and flooding them with metabolites, both of which are signals that encourage growth. You’ll produce more growth hormone and more testosterone and these both trigger growth and fat loss.


Better yet, building muscle is great for weight loss goals. That’s because muscle makes you look more toned and honed and is often the quicker way to get the physique you want. Moreover, muscle is metabolically active meaning that you burn more calories by simply having muscle. If you add muscle work into your routine, you’ll burn more fat even when you’re asleep!

Need a set HIIT or Concurrent Training Schedule or training program?  Sign-up for one of my Online Fitness Coaching Programs!  a ‘done for you’ program sent right to your smart phone!

Sing-up TODAY by clicking HERE!

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