Want to exercise at home but don’t know how to get started?

Did you know that you can get amazing results when you exercise at home?  Unfortunately thousands of treadmills, stationary bikes, and dumbbells get turned into clothes hangers, jungle gyms, and paperweights every year.

There are two main excuses that people use to avoid the starting an exercise program; I don’t want to join a gym and be around a bunch of muscle heads and I don’t have time.  Both of these excuses don’t hold water in that most clients of fitness facilities are not ‘muscle heads’ and everyone has an extra 30-45 minutes in a day to spare.

For the sake of this article we are going to focus on stating to exercise at home.  With so many people having busy lifestyles splitting their time between work and kids finding the time to exercise can be challenging.  But think about how much time you’ll have to spare going from hospital to hospital curing a disease that could have been prevented if you just had been more active.

If you have made the decision to get more active and healthy then exercising at home can be fun for the whole family.  Best of all your kids will love you for it!  If you make it a ‘family affair’ then everyone benefits.  It can even bring the family closer together!

Below are some reasons why you should exercise at home:

  1. Save Money

Gym memberships can get pretty pricey.  Depending on the type of facility that is available to you the fees could run you as much as $500 per month; although most standard gym memberships will only run you about $30 per month.  But as you add amenities in to the equation the price will increase drastically.  When you exercise at home you can get amazing results by using your body weight for resistance and the great outdoors for your cardiovascular exercise.

  1. Long Travel times to and From the Gym

The gym that I go to is an 18 mile round trip from my house.  For a long time I used to go the gym and then come home before getting ready to go to work.  After I realized that I was putting an extra  9 miles on my car every day, not to mention the cost of gas, I decided I would go to work right from the gym.  Of course I have the ability to shower and get ready at work.

  1. Less Crowded

As you can imagine gyms and fitness facilities can get pretty crowded, especially between 4 pm and 8 pm, when people are getting off of work. When you workout at a gym it can be frustrating at times to get on the equipment that you want to use and waiting times are wasting your workout time.  When you exercise at home you can do the exercises that you want to do without having to wait.  Not having waiting times save you time to do other things.

  1. No Need To Be Embarrassed

When you exercise at home you don’t have to be worried if people are watching you or how you look while performing an exercise.  I don’t know if you have ever seen the look on some people’s faces when they are straining during exercise.  It can be less than flattering.  After being involved in the Fitness Industry for as long as I have, I don’t normally care what I look like while training.

  1. Convenience

When you exercise at home you have everything you need right there.  If you need a towel, a drink, or want to crank up your favorite music, it’s at your fingertips.  No need to travel; you’re already there.  You can wear whatever you want to or nothing at all.

The reasons listed above are just a few of the many reasons that exercising at home is a great idea.  There are so many exercises and routines that will fit perfectly when you exercise at home, that you may never need to go to a gym or fitness club.  If you’re ready to take the next step and get started I can help you when you sign-up for my basic or premium membership!

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